Safe, situation/ environmental, surroundings - mostly within my fine arts class - climate change/justice - social, coriosity - oatmeal with a banana, cinamon and black coffee for breakfast
Authority - my life (choices) - being prepared, experience, goal based - lacking self-confidence, making choices, public, social interaction - studying - my house, parental house, Rotterdam - my current home
Representation, identity, confidence - activism, system change, democracy, law, influential - choice in perspective, destination - christianity - female - close to my body - white - the rituals when with family, holidays, christmas
The most expensive thing I own is my macbook pro - Autonomous - (my role in?) gentrification - politics - power, trust, textual corruption
Inhabiting a place, animals, presence - presence, inclusion, censorship, observing, the other, bubble - knowledge, culture, observing, comonality - self-control, discipline - adultness - two cats
This will be my positionning for now
It is based on the tags that we got during class.